Congratulations to Dr Matt Creed for successfully passing the recent Pre-hospital Care Examination in Edinburgh. The Fellowship in Immediate Medical Care (FIMC) is the highest level of formal qualification available for pre-hospital practitioners, and therefore no small feat. Dr Creed is the MEDSERVE Wales Treasurer, and a senior registrar training in Anaesthesia and Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine (PHEM). He is also one of the MEDSERVE Solo responders and evidently a valuable member of our team. The FIMC requires high levels of underpinning knowledge, technical expertise and clinical experience across all elements of the PHEM curriculum. There is a focus within the FIMC examination on timely recognition, diagnosis and management of conditions and situations in the pre-hospital environment rather than on the use of facilities for investigation and treatment that may be available predominantly within a hospital. However, the FIMC candidate is expected to be able to undertake safe emergency transfer between hospitals and therefore be capable of interpreting the range of investigations typically found in the emergency department setting. This examination covers the full spectrum of pre-hospital emergency care and includes all patient age groups from new-borns to the very elderly. From all at MEDSERVE, Congratulations Matt!